Dec 20, 2023Liked by Steve Tingiris

Holy cow! I just browsed the ToC and the intro and first chapter, but wow! That’s amazing. It’s definitely something I want to spend more time reading. Did you just prompt it to generate all that ??

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No, it took a number of prompts and lots of prompt chaining. I'll share the details in a future post but essentially, you need to create a high-level outline, then break it down, expand on each chapter and section, then generate the text/content.

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Dec 20, 2023Liked by Steve Tingiris

It looks super promising; and it’s a relief to hear that real work is required! I appreciate how you’re sharing all this. It’s very helpful.

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I'm having fun dabbling around with this stuff. Hopefully I can get one or more profitable models going - or at least this this stuff is helpful to someone.

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I actually really like the title “Strategic Moves.” I find it clever and catchy, but that stuff’s all subjective.

To me, the book currently reads like a lengthy Wikipedia page. There’s a lot to do to flesh it out and make it interesting.

I’ve been experimenting with the Creative Writing Coach GPT. I already wrote the short story and I’m getting help editing it from the coach. I find it does really well if you feed it small chunks of the story and provide insights on what you’re trying to accomplish with the characters and the plot etc. It will provide revisions that you can tweak.

My guess(?) is that if you keep drilling down on each section of the chapters, you could get ChatGPT to continue adding more detail to your book.

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Dec 20, 2023·edited Dec 20, 2023Author

I agree the first pass reads like a Wikipedia page. I spent time today working on the prompts and the general workflow. Here is my second draft.


This time I went with a blend of a topic (still game theory) and a target audience (solopreneurs). The new title is: Winning Alone: Game Theory Tactics for One-Person Businesses - but I also liked the last title. There are just a lot of books on game theory so I'm trying focus on a specific audience.

This versioin I also broke down into chapter and chapter sections - expanding on each with prompts to help with the tone. It's still not where I want it to be. But it's moving in the right direction. Thanks for the feedback! I'd love to hear what you think of the second draft.

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